Ethan Gregory McGee
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
7:35 p.m.
7 lbs., 5 oz.
19 in.
Wow! I can't believe he's really here! This past week has just been magical. It all began last Wednesday afternoon. My water broke around 1:30 pm. Luckily Greg had not gone into work yet. We loaded up the car, woke Abby up, and headed out! After dropping Abby off at Nikki's house, we headed straight to the hospital. No surprise with Greg driving we made it there very quickly. It took only moments for them to confirm that my water had broken, and we were in a room and hooked up to monitors by about 3:15. They checked me and I was about 5 cm dilated and 80% effaced. The contractions weren't too bad, and they were pretty irregular, jumping between 5 to 7 min apart, so my dr. ordered pitocin to make the contractions stronger and closer together. I decided that I wanted an epidural before things got too painful. It took awhile to get the epidural because they had to draw blood and wait for the results first. Finally I was ready for the epidural around 5:15 or so, just in time! Greg and I relaxed and talked about how excited we were, and listened to music for awhile. Around 7:00 the nurses changed shifts and they decided to check me again. I was completely dilated, and Ethan was VERY low. We did one small practice push, and the nurses eyes got very wide, and she told me to stop half way through. She took off to get stuff ready and call the dr. The dr. arrived around 7:30, and I began pushing at 7:34. 2 1/2 pushes later, Ethan was out and in my arms. Greg got to cut the cord, and I was able to nurse as soon as I wanted. He came out perfect and pink and crying. He scored a 7 and 8 on his APGARs.
Abby came and met her baby brother the next day, and she has been so great with him. We came home Friday and so far the transition is going very well. The first two nights were rough, with Ethan being awake and crying until 3 am, but the past two nights have been perfect, only waking up once during the night. We just feel so blessed!!! I could go on and on, but my little piece of Heaven is ready to eat! :)
But first, as promised, here are my 37 week belly pictures, and then a couple 39 week belly pictures!! Enjoy!
37 Weeks

39 Weeks!! :)