Tuesday, February 17, 2009

38 Weeks!!!

Gosh, I guess it has been awhile since I last posted! Hmmm, where did we leave off???

On the baby front, I am 38 weeks pregnant! Yay!! I had my dr. appt. this morning, and I am now 4 cm. dilated and 70% effaced!! Pretty crazy! I am having lots of contractions, but it is still anyone's guess as to when our little man is going to make his big entrance! :)

For now I am just trying to enjoy the last few days of our family of three, and savor all the one-on-one time that I have left with Abby.

Our Valentine's Day was wonderful!! I feel like I have so much to love right now that I could just burst!! We enjoyed our Valentine's Day together as a family, and we went out to eat to ITZ pizza, which is sort of like Chuck E Cheese. Abby had a blast playing in the bounce house, and learning how to bowl, and I had a blast just watching her, in awe!

The latest thing that Abby is doing is singing. She sings with me, or along with the tv, but lately, she will just start singing on her own. It is so cute when we are driving somewhere, and I hear her tiny little voice in the backseat, singing Twinkle, Twinkle or Ring Around the Rosie, or the theme to Mickey Mouse Clubhouse. It is in these moments that I just listen in amazement, awestruck that this little person is MY daughter.

No pictures to share right now, as the camera is charging in the other room and I'm too lazy to get up and go get the memory card out and download all the pictures right now. I also need to scan my latest maternity pic. I'll try to get around to that soon so that I can share some more cute pictures.

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