I can't believe I am 26 weeks pregnant!! Where has the time gone? How did this happen? Wait, don't answer that last one. And did you check out my little counter over to the right? 97 days left! That's crazy. I can't believe that in less than 14 weeks Greg and I will have a brand new baby boy in our arms, and Abby will be a BIG sister!!! I was going to post a belly shot, but I'm being too lazy right now to get up and take a picture, so I will try to remember to do it later today or early tomorrow.
This past weekend was a lot of fun. We had our very first visitor to our new house. My mom came to visit on Saturday!! We took her to the park with us to feed the ducks, which is always an adventure. And then we went out to eat at Red Robin for dinner which also ended up being quite an adventure. I won't go into too many details other than to say that the evening ended with Abby getting a bath in the sink at the restaurant---lots of fun!!! The visit was too short, as always, but we had a great time, and Abby loved spending time with Grandma.

This weekend was also Niki's 25th birthday with 3 years experience---(nice one, Niki)!! :) I hope it was a wonderful birthday! We ate chocolate cake at our house to celebrate for you! Happy Birthday!!!
And since this week is Thanksgiving, I thought I would leave off with what I am thankful for, not just this year, but Today. And maybe I will try to post the things I am thankful for more often, because there is really a lot in my life to be thankful for.
Today I am Thankful:
- for the huge smile on Greg's face when he tickles Abby and she roars with laughter
- for the smart and funny cow-loving 18 month old who greeted me with a smile and "Hi ommy!" this morning
- for the amazing little kicks I feel throughout the day, reminding me how far I've come from a time when I thought I might never get to be a mommy