Thursday, April 15, 2010

I'm Baaaaaack!!!

Well, after a really long hiatus, I'm back and ready to start blogging about our adventures again! I started this blog partly to chronicle not just our family, but also our move into a new house and my pregnancy with Ethan. So much has happened in the past year, but as they say, the more things change the more they stay the same! We've just moved into a new house (in Little Elm this time!), and SURPRISE! I'm pregnant again with our 3rd child!! So I hope everyone will continue to join me on our new adventure! :) Now for some updates and pictures....

She is still our little firecracker! She never ceases to amaze me with how intuitive she is, and her funny, quirky little personality is starting to emerge. She loves Dora, and hairbows, and her favorite color is pink!

He is our rough and tumbly daredevil. He walks (more like runs) all over the place now, and he climbs and gets into EVERYTHING!!! And when you tell him "No" he takes it as a dare! He definitely keeps us on our toes! He claps, waves bye-bye, and says nigh-nigh and dada. He loves water, and anything he can put in his mouth, and his favorite color is dirt. :)

EASTER 2009:
EASTER 2010:
Mystery Baby #3
I am 16 weeks pregnant today!!! I have an appt next Thursday with a new OB, since we live too far away for me to deliver at Presby. Hoping to find out soon the gender of this little miracle so that we can start planning for his/her arrival. I am still guessing boy, but only time will tell! :) Our due date is September 30. The stats so far for this pregnancy are:

1/26: 4 weeks; sono; beta: 2795! Holy Cow, we're pregnant!!!!
2/12: 7 weeks; sono; HB: 142 bpm; 0 ib weight gain;
2/25: 9 weeks; sono; HB: 161 bpm; 0 lb weight gain
3/18: 12 weeks; HB: 171 bpm; NT scan (sono)
3/25: 13 weeks; HB: 151 bpm; + 3 lbs.

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