There are so many other fun stories from our trip to Dallas, but I will have to spread them out over a few posts. In the meantime, I hope everyone has a Happy and safe New Year's!!
Adventures in parenting, Life after Infertility,PCOS, Pregnancy Loss, Surrogacy and beyond. A chronicle of one woman's quest to live life to the fullest.
Tuesday, December 30, 2008
31 Weeks!!!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
9 Days Until Christmas!!!
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Pirates and Gingerbread Houses...
Last night we made a gingerbread house. Actually, Daddy made the gingerbread house while I took pictures and Abby sampled all of the candy decorations. Unfortunately, Abby had to go to bed before the house got decorated, but it was the first thing she spotted this morning when she woke up. It was a lot of fun! I just realized she is wearing the same outfit that she wore to the pirate party last weekend!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
My Due Date!!!
Yesterday was a bit of a strange day, with the reminder of that pregnancy that went oh so wrong looming in my head all day. But it was hard to be sad about it all day, when I have so much right in front of me to be SO thankful for. Abby and I did some shopping at Michaels, and a woman stopped to tell me how beautiful Abby is, and how much she envied me! (yesterday of all days!) Apparently she has 12 grandsons and no granddaughters!! I am very lucky to have my beautiful little ray of sunshine who sings to me and showers me with hugs and kisses every day. And I am 28 1/2 weeks pregnant with a VERY active little boy who also reminds me how lucky I am. Poor kid still doesn't have a name yet, but we are so excited to meet him!!
Right after Christmas it will be time to focus on this little guy. Picking out a name, and bedding, and getting his room ready for his arrival! There is a lot to do and very little time to do it!
Saturday, December 6, 2008
Merry Christmas!!!!
We also had Christmas/Abby's 18-month pictures taken a couple weeks ago. Those didn't go nearly as smoothly. She didn't really want to sit still or pose, and every time the photographer raised her camera up, Abby would wail. But we survived and even got a few good shots. So, here are a few of the best from that adventure:

Thursday, December 4, 2008
What a week!!!
I had a Dr. appt. on Tuesday to check on my little man, and all is well. His heart rate was 144 bpm, and according to the sonogram, he weighs 2 lbs. 12 oz!!!! He is head down and really low, and my cervix is very soft, but luckily I'm not dilated yet. And I passed my glucose test (yay!), but I am anemic, so I get to add an iron pill to my daily total of 4 pills a day (yuck)! But it will all be worth it in a couple months when we are holding our sweet baby boy. Here are a few pictures from the sonogram:
This is a picture of his face, with his mouth open.

This is a picture designed to answer any questions about our son's gender...