Our Thanksgiving was wonderful!! We ate so much great food, and it is really, really great seeing all of our family. Seeing everyone just makes me miss them even more when we come home. Our trip was short, but we managed to pack a lot into the two days we were there. Hopefully we will be in town longer for Christmas and we'll have a chance to see all of our friends!!
We came home late Thursday night and on Friday morning, Abby and I decided to brave the crowds and head to Kohl's around 10 a.m. It wasn't too bad and we got some great deals! Greg met us at home around lunchtime. After lunch Greg fell asleep in the big over sized chair in the living room while Abby and I played with her see 'n say on the floor. And then one of those melt-my-heart moments happened. I told Abby that she could play for another 15 min. before nap time, and then I left her in the living room while I got online for a few minutes. The house was really quiet so I went to see what trouble Abby had gotten into, and I walked into the living room to find this:
I had a Dr. appt. on Tuesday to check on my little man, and all is well. His heart rate was 144 bpm, and according to the sonogram, he weighs 2 lbs. 12 oz!!!! He is head down and really low, and my cervix is very soft, but luckily I'm not dilated yet. And I passed my glucose test (yay!), but I am anemic, so I get to add an iron pill to my daily total of 4 pills a day (yuck)! But it will all be worth it in a couple months when we are holding our sweet baby boy. Here are a few pictures from the sonogram:
This is a picture of his face, with his mouth open.
This is a picture designed to answer any questions about our son's gender...
His hands and feet were all up by his face, so this is supposed to be a split screen picture of both of his feet by his face:
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