Monday, May 4, 2009

A man of the Cloth...

In an effort to be more green (and possibly save a little green), I have decided to give cloth diapers a try. I have wanted to try cloth diapers since Abby was a baby, but I'll admit, I was a little intimidated. And then overwhelmed by new mommyhood. But this time around I feel a little more prepared. I've had more time to do research and to slowly build up a small stash of diapers in order to give this a shot. As Greg has told me that he absolutely refuses to participate in cloth diapering, it will be part time at best. And I think I will be sticking to disposables when we are out and about, or when we go out of town.

But here it is...our first attempt at cloth diapers. Doesn't it look like Ethan just loves his Bum Genius 3.0's?? :)


Niki said...
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Niki said...

Girl, I don't know if I should call you crazy or brave :), j/k, you go girl, look at you being all green!

P.S. love his little rolls....sooooo cute!!

Ally said...

I think I'm probably a little of both!!! But the cloth diapers look so stinkin' cute on his little roly poly bottom!!!

Niki said...

He is so cute! Looking at his pictures, can I still say I am still in shock you have a boy?!? :)That's what his nickname should be roly poly...or like B say roly pokie.

kay said...

I have been in the land of cloth diapers and for the life of me, I can't imagine why you would want to do that, you are a better person than I.