Tuesday, January 13, 2009

33 WEEKS!!!

I had my 33 week appointment this morning, and WOW are things moving along. I am now 2 cm dilated and 50% effaced. I am supposed to continue to take it easy until this weekend when I hit 34 weeks, and then all restrictions are lifted. Although the Dr. would really like to see me make it to 36 weeks (as I would too!), she would not stop labor after 34 weeks. So, my goal is to make it to this weekend still pregnant. After that, my goal is to make it to 36 weeks. I am supposed to schedule an ultrasound for next week to see just how big our little guy is, since he is still consistently measuring a week and a half ahead! And my next ob appointment is in 2 weeks. I am really hoping to make it to that appointment.

In other news, my baby girl is turning into a big girl right before my eyes!! I pulled her hair back in a ponytail over the weekend for the first time, and it looked so cute!! It brought tears to my eyes to see her looking more and more like a little lady, and less and less like a baby. See for yourself! I'll go get the tissues! :)


dstarz618 said...

Wow she is getting sooooooo big!!!! I miss my lil abby, its not going to be the same when i go up to her and do my Macaulay Culkin impression!!! I cant wait to see you guys

Niki said...

OMG!!! She looks so much older, I think sitting at the counter helped, too, eating like a big girl. She looks like Brayden's age in these, not 1 1/2 year old. Miss you guys!!